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Under Construction exposes the myth behind All In One Security Software

(Bellevue, March 18) When it comes to network and computer security, computer users are often caught between the need to have the latest and best protection against threats and convenience. "There is only so much time in a day an IT department or individual user can devote to installing, maintaining, and updating 'best of breed' software that specializes in dealing with particular network and computer threats," says Oliver Thompson of, the Internet's leading authority on software resources. "Add in the busy schedule of your typical office, and you have a recipe for disaster. Threats are always lurking. They are always looking for a moment of weakness to wreak havoc in your network or system. If you think it's a hassle to maintain security software now, wait till you have to spend thousands of dollars and waste otherwise productive time trying to get your network back up or retrieve files," adds Thompson. Luckily, there is an alternative that gives individuals and companies a great amount of convenience when it comes to installing, maintaining, and updating their security software—all in one security suites. However, all in one software suite often vary greatly from each other. has released a resource guide for all in one security software, which help users easily and conveniently find the best all in one security suite for their needs.

"Unlike other websites that pretend to be review sites, provides real reviews and real authority articles that put the user first," says Thompson. "Consistent with this editorial policy, we don't use a 'top down' methodology in our review and software guidance system. Instead, we use 'decision points' instead. These considerations help the user find the right package for their own particular use and situation. They do this by fitting their particular facts and situations into the factors raised they are considering," adds Thompson. The result is an all in one security suite that matches the user's actual needs. Given the tough economic times, the last thing users want is to overpay for software that has components they would not even use.

About ixDownload

ixDownload is a highly reliable source of software downloading guides, tips, and information on the web today. Ixdownload also provides quick access to different products on their site to download software. This software review website guide aims to provide assistance to software customers and users, so they can make smart choices, whether in the download of trial products or making actual software purchases. Those who are planning to purchase ZoneAlarm Extreme Security by Check Point Software Technologies Ltd may check out the buying guide and downloading tips on the site. Now, software buyers can easily check which systems are best suited for their designing and creative needs, just by checking out reviews and information published on Ixdownload.

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